Sunday, July 14, 2024


My initial design had the Atlanta trackwork  mostly focused on the north end and along the aisle. Below is a general view. Backdrops are panels done by Brian Kammerer. The track that traversed the left side of the Car Shed was initially designed as a continuous running for open house visitors. Eventually I removed the bridge to expand the aisle behind Chattanooga beyond the roundhouse.

However, the last panel was pulled in a recent operating session for ease of access. One operator, Andy Estep, suggested connecting that continuous run track as a run around for a loco coming onto that run-around track. Hence, the idea was born! 

Above, the track to far right was the continuous run connection. I laid a switch on existing track to begin planning the new run-around. 
Below, two additional switches are installed. The former continuous run is now the interchange for the Atlanta & West Point RR. The other track you see is marked for the Georgia RR interchange. The operational possibilities have significantly increased including a yard operator position.

Next post will illustrate how I installed Alexander harp switch stands to operate the points.


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